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Friday, July 29, 2011

I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found

So today I was thinking about fat while I was making eggs and wondering...why can't I just sit out in the 112 degree weather here in FL and melt my fat the butter melting in the pan? I am tanorexic so that would really make like convenient for me. If anyone up there is reading...can you put in a request with the big guy? Thanks!

The goal today was to give you guys my current weeks weight but when I walked up to Jenny's house at 1:35 I realized they closed at 1:00. Sorry but you will have to hold tight until tomorrow's update to know if I have had more success.

Yesterday I tried to really think how far back I could recall my food obsession going. I want to really know how deep I will have to go to repair the damage and as much as I see progress I understand that I have to keep digging in order to make that change permanent. One of things that I recall is my dad always stealing my french while I understand that children can be pretty protective of those greasy potato sticks I was extreme. I would smack his hands...and cry and carry on. Granted he had the manners of someone the age I was at the time and never ever asked first but that one french fry should not have been that sacred to me. It was like I had a plate full of little potato fairy wands and he had just stolen one of my free wishes. I guess he needed a few free wishes to fill his own over sized belly. As I got older he would no longer steal my food as much as he would my thunder or my self-esteem but torturing me about the food I ate until eventually I just rebelled or binged in private. NOT HEALTHY Physically or mentally. I look at my paternal family and can count right away six people who struggle with weight...half of those are probably considered morbidly obese. I always hear people talk of genetic predisposition to fat but I wonder how much of that is just predisposition to addiction...or anxiety or an unhealthy example and cycle of emotional eating. People always want to make excuses. Even I, who do have issues with my thyroid would try to blame all my fat on that....well I am hear to tell you that if you have used that excuse for obesity you need to stop now, pull your head from your ass, take one big look in the mirror and repeat after me...." I am my own worst enemy and I will no longer make excuses". A thyroid condition can definitely make you hold extra weight....weight can most definitely have a hormonal factor and as you read last week I am looking into that for myself but it doesn't hold enough to make you 100lbs overweight. It makes weight loss more difficult but it's not sitting there making you eat a greasy burger...that is your brain. I read a study on the other day about the bodies biological response to food. It was amazing and for someone who is thin...emotional eating can probably help them relax on occasion but for someone who is obese it can kill you. That is not me really can take over your life and slowly but surely will put you in your grave. I don't know about you but I am claustrophobic and six feet under is something I would like to delay as long as possible. Even when family came over I would keep leftovers at my house instead of sending as much home with other people. I was not doing it to be selfish but I saw food and I wanted to horde I was going to hibernate for the season. I would call myself a Mama Grizzly if I didn't dread having any more than my name and birthday in common with Sarah Palin.

I never realized until recently that this really had so much to do with being told not to eat...that I almost became possessive of food....leading me again to understand that it was just one more way for me to be in control of a situation. I am a total CONTROL FREAK. I have had so little control over my weight and my anxiety in the past that I held tight to anything I could control...even to the point of becoming resentful. Perhaps that just reminded me of my father who really was a good person tortured by his own demons. I just wish he would have known better than to project them onto me. I realize now that you can't control anyone but yourself. More importantly when you try to control others and situations you leave nothing for lose yourself. I have been searching for myself so many many years and if anyone has been looking for me as well...I have been lost in a giant eclair...but don't fret..I am back!

If anyone is interested in reading the article on Emotional Eating please visit and search " Study offers clues to Emotional Eating"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

This Is The Face Of Fat!!

For the past week I have written nothing down. I skipped the Swagmaster and I could not make it to therapy because of a migraine. I can tell you that before this blog... on a week such as this I would have gained 3-4 lbs. Seriously...the picture above is one pound of fat. It's gross but when you think about losing even 2.5 of those you realize you have accomplished something and you really don't want to mess that up.

I also decided this past week that talking openly about my relationship with food has somehow made me less hungry...or was I ever? I have decided to take the advice of my therapist and when I do have a setback write down how I was feeling at the know besides hungry. My guess is that I will find that I was bored, or lonely, or sad....all emotions that have better fixes than food.

Let's start with boredom. I could go for a walk...I do have two dogs who I am sure prefer to use the facilities outside rather than in my living room.. I could read...I have now received three book recommendations and am only half way through the Help on my ipad. I could play a board game with my son...heck that even has "bored" in the name. I could freaking jump around on one leg while chewing gum and playing a trumpet...point is that I don't eat.

On to the next...Lonliness. I am the first to admit that I am famous for having pity parties. I guess I think somehow because I am so awesome love should just come to me...apparently the Universe has other thoughts on the subject and at 33 I am single..very very single....and fat. Single and thin is different than single and fat. I know because I have been both. Single and thin is fun. You go out with no come home full of drinks and with a few new numbers and most importantly great memories. When you are single and fat you leave with money...come home with none. least that is what I used to think. I proved to myself last weekend that this is not the case. You see part of healing and losing is accepting where you are right now. I tend to change 19 times before leaving the house. I can't pack lightly because I never like how I look in clothes. The truth is that the second time you put that original outfit will still look the same because you are who you are on the outside. I have been trying to stand in front of the mirror this week and remind myself that it's ok that I look like this because next week and the week after...I will look just a little different. It's a very long process and feeding into the emotional part of it...the denial makes it take longer. I can promise you that. I went to Baltimore a few weeks ago and my goal was to pack in one small bag. I limited myself to liking myself in whatever I had. Now I did by no means look like I wanted to and when I saw a guy that I once found myself mildly obsessed with I felt like I wanted to hide behind anything just so he wouldn't see that I look like I swallowed a hulla hoop. Chances are he noticed. It kind of is what it is. What I needed to focus and forced myself to focus on is that this person is my friend and realizes that I am awesome...really awesome. I am funny and smart and my smile can light up a room...those are the things that make you who you are....not what you look like and when you focus on feel less inclined to eat. At least I do. I have had so many emotional obstacles this week. I can tell you all that this in many ways was one of the lowest points in my life and the worst I did was steal the Skinny Bitches Cake from the counter. You see I once again found myself surrounded by a bunch of 8th grade girls wearing toothfloss for shorts. They decided to make a cake...I decided to steal a piece. It happens and because I have been making good choices every day that cake means nothing....

Overeaters anonymous uses as do many other addiction programs the Serenity Prayer. Religious, Spiritual....whatever you are...these are words to live by. They make sense.

(Insert your own idol), Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the widsom to know the difference.

I suggest making a list..." Things I can't change" Below is mine..

Love can't be forced

My son is autistic

Florida is hot...really really hot

My father is dead...he will not come back and apologize

Things I can change....

My body fat percentage is 45.7% ...BARF

My right breast is soooo much smaller than the left!! lol

My son deserves to get any reasonable accomodation afforded him

My house being messy

The food I eat


My circumference measurments as promised are below in inches as of 7/20

Neck 15 inches

Chest 42.5 inches

Shoulders 42 inches

Waist 45 inches...

Hips 52 inches..

Biceps 12 inches

Thighs 24.5 inches

Calfs 16 inches

I will be measuring these monthly and updating you on how many inches have been lost. In so many ways this is more important than what you see on the scale but for me what I see on the scale is very unhealthy so I want to see both move :)

See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cutting Deep

This week is hell week for me...actually probably for everyone who rubs me the wrong way too. This is the one week of the month every man fears and every woman hates because we want to eat all the things we should not. Aunt Flo is on the premises and she is itching for an ice cream Sunday and a big juicy burger..WITH THE BUN. It is generally the week that my previous diets have always failed but this week I am being very conscious of one thing....and that is my trip on Friday to Orlando with my son. We love all of the theme parks that Orlando has to offer and being that they are so close we go often but it is very difficult to find good food choices there...perhaps I should open my eyes more on those roller coasters and maybe I will spot a fruit stand...not likely :) Knowing I have a food conflict this weekend I have really tried to stay away from the crap but it's so so hard. Yesterday I had some pretzel chips to get me some I mean probably three servings worth or about 330 calories. BOO :( These things will happen and luckily I have the Swagmaster, and when I can't get to the gym by XBox Kinect Zumba to help maintain balance and a healthy calorie deficit. While I was with Mr. Swag today at the gym I started telling him about how tough I was during child birth. That to me was my proudest moment and I wanted to feel all of my mind the pain was temporary and this was my bodies biological purpose. I still believe that many women turn to pain medication because of fear....while some need it I did for myself prefer a more natural approach and hired a doula to help me and my then husband be a confident team in the delivery room. So today I made the correlation that if I could only get my mind to think of the gym in the same manner I would be golden. How is it that I can bear through twenty-one hours of labor and the latter of that with Pitocin and have no pain medication yet I cannot stop having nightmares about the front and lat raises he had me do Monday. I would almost consider hypnotherapy ....I find it so difficult and I know I can't be the only person who feels like there are things that are extremely painful that one can get through and others that just make you cower in fear...weights make me cower.
Maybe next time I will pretend that I am in labor and just start screaming " you bastard" " You did this to me" " I WANT ICE CHIPS....NOW!!!" It might work for me but my guess I would lose my gym privileges and my trainer rather quickly.
That being said I have felt for awhile like I needed an end goal...a bit of a challenge to motivate the delivery room the end goal was being a mother...something I had wanted since I was a little girl playing with my dolls. Today that end goal is, and some may agree and others not, but that end goal is body sculpting...IE plastic surgery. Remember...this is my story and my journey and while things work for others I think the important thing to remember with any journey to rid yourself of addiction is that it's yours personally. You have to want it and you have to figure out what keeps you looking forward and not back at your demons. Now I am not saying I don't have every intention of working my ass off and continuing the hard journey but there are things that childbirth does to your body that are unforgiving...and there are things that overeating does that are even worse. These things...NOT SEXY. Me in a bathing suit....NOT SEXY but...still sexier than me naked...I want to look sexy when naked. I know I am not walking around the streets without clothes on but and listen up...I am not losing weight for those people on the street...I am losing it for me...or more specifically ME...naked in front of my mirror. One of the counselors at my son's camp today grabbed her back fat and said " I've got more rollbacks than Wal-Mart". That is exactly how I feel and half of them do not go matter how hard I work...that flab of skin that I have on my lower will not magically disappear. It's's like inflating a balloon and then watching it look all shriveled up and wondering what happened? Well you blew the damn thing up as far is it would go and then let all the air our you idiot! It can't go back to normal....well lucky for me while I might currently look like a balloon I am not actually a balloon, and eventually when the time comes I can pay someone to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Today in fact I went to see the person who will most likely be given that charge. Living in FL there are many low cost options for plastic surgery....but those are not options for me. I want the best because one I want to live and two... I want someone who refuses to compromise their professional integrity by completing a surgical procedure on someone who is not ready for that procedure. Along the way I will hopefully introduce you all to this person but for now...I will call him JP. I met JP for the first time today and definitely have to say it was more awkward than my first pap smear. To stand naked in front of a mirror while someone examines your mess of a body makes you feel like puking on their shoes just to distract them. During my consult I was asked about weight...about previous attempts and failures at losing and what I had for breakfast and what I usually have for lunch. At first I thought maybe he thought I ate his previous patient but then he told me about another MD in their office that practices Functional Medicine and this ladies and gentlemen is why I went to this office....and not to what I call a " fat mill". I want a partner in this process that treats the whole person. Now JP's recommendation was to remove some of the or if I choose to wait until I have lost some additional weight. This was really about how I feel and if that will help keep me looking forward and not being complacent. He suggest I do this by having some liposuction initially. A 4-Liter lipo to be specific. Ten Pounds....gone! I have spent today thinking about this. There are two schools of that I am finding my stride in terms of exercise and abdominal lipo would put me out of that routine for a little while from the pain alone. and two that when you spend a small fortune to lose ten pounds you work harder to maintain it...that being said I will be waiting...just a bit but will be seeing his partner for some blood tests to determine if any hormonal issues or hidden food allergies exist. I want to know what is going on inside...I want to know about the biology of my fat I guess. Now I was the first one to admit that I am an emotional eater but family history and symptoms warrant looking deeper. He shared with me a book that I will be reading and updating you all on. Homework from the doctor!! He really recommended it for anyone who is overweight... The Book is called " Your Hidden Food Allergies Are Making You Fat". If you have read it please comment. I would love other opinions.
Part of this journey for me is healing from a lot of the pain that brings me to overeat....I don't feel like I can do that if I don't push myself to accomplish things on my own for now and admitting who I am and taking ownership of that....This blog is my Fatty Bible and those of you who are reading this will see the Sarah B.F. and Sarah A.F.....before and after FAT.

Monday, July 18, 2011

When your mind meets the mirror

If I passed any of my friends today and did not waive it is not because I am a is because I as of about 3PM today cannot lift my arms above my head. This new statuesque nature is courtesy of The Swagmaster. People ...there are muscles burning in my back and shoulders I was not even aware of had. Luckily my fingers still work...NO not so I can give him the bird for making me look like the bride of Frankenstein as I walk the isles of the grocery store but to share again with you all how this Fattycakes will transform from Fat to Phat.
Aside from the lack of movement in my arms today was a very good day. First of all I am happy to report that I have lost 2.4 lbs since last week bringing me down to 216.4 officially. Go ahead get up and dance for please do since I can't myself. If you have been following my food journal you know that I ate yummy foods and even had a few cheats in there but I still saw a loss because I made the best choices in each situation. I cut out part of the meal and that is huge. A friend today challenged that I choose this particular plan because it contains foods that I am comfortable with and not " diet foods" but I respectfully disagree. The thing is that I am not on a diet. I am on a journey to changing the way I look at food and the relationship that I have with it. This is a life change...NOT A DIET! Learning to make good choices for snacks and set appropriate portions is something to take me all the way to the bank...the fat bank that is. I plan to deposit for starters 20 lbs in that bank by the end of September. If I could do it before September 10th it would be even better as I am a bridesmaid in my dear friends wedding. Now I by no means want to outshine her but when we were discussing dresses I really imagined she and her sister who are both very thin and gorgeous just tying a string to me and floating me over the house as a marker for incoming guests. Just call me "Zeppelin". As if being a size 14/16 wasn't bad enough I had to order my bridesmaids dress in a size 20...and then to add insult to injury the woman called me three days later to tell me that that large of a size cost an additional $30. It's like a fat tax or something but again these people are getting rich off my big ass. My Fairy Godmother shared something with me today that was said to her when she was still heavy...someone told her that " It's not like people can't look at you and see that you weigh 215lbs". It's SO TRUE. When I began this blog last week none of the response was anyone saying...OMG I HAD NO IDEA...or stop it you are NOT heavy. That is because people saw me for what I was I who did not. You see when you are heavy there is often a wall of denial up. We talked a lot about denial today and about responsibility. I never looked in the mirror and really saw a Fattycakes until the day I posted my first blog here. I saw a girl who " had a few extra pounds". I definitely see the truth...because I refused to. The thing is....there will always even when I am thin and have conquered this demon be a fat girl inside trying to get out. As with any addiction you are forever an addict and I own that now but I finally can say that I am on my way to cut my addiction off at the legs...that is if a meatloaf sandwich and mashed potatoes had legs. It does not control me ...define me...and it will not kill me!!

I will leave you tonight with one of my favorite with an ending so fitting this journey...

Out of the Night that Covers me,

Black as the Pit from Pole to Pole,

I thank whatever gods may be,

for my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance,

I have not winced nor cried aloud,

under the bludgeoning of chance,

my head is bloody but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears,

looms but the horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how straight the gate,

how charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.

Sunday's Food


Half slice french toast
w/sugar free syrup

Arizona Iced Tea Half and Half Lite


Diet coke


6 Tortilla Chips with Salsa


JC Personal Pizza



Fruit and Yogurt Parfait


1 4oz piece of boneless skinless jerk chicken Breast

Raosted Vegetables

Monday Workout:

22 minutes on the treadmill incline alternating between 2.5 and 6.0

18 minutes on the stationary bike level 10 Intervals for Fat Burning

30 minutes with the Swagmaster- see specific excercises below

Swag set a circuit up for me today consisting of 4 excercises that I had to complete immediately following the previous one...12 reps 3 sets

1.) Incline Pushup

2.) Dumbell punch ( boxing in the air with two 5 lb dumbells)

3.) front and lat raise ( OUCH) 5lbs each

4.) bent over row 35lbs

After this circuit was complete we finished up with abs

50lbs, 12 reps, 3 sets

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Journey Starts Within

I have always needed constant reassurance in relationships. For once because I am usually in a battle with the bulge and want to know that it isn't big enough yet that someone has noticed and two because I never got reassurance growing up from my father. For awhile I felt guilty saying that since he is no longer here to defend himself but my guess is that even if he were he probably would not have denied it...and I have witnesses! A lot of them. My dad not only struggled with weight as most of his family also did but he struggled with words. I wonder if when he got to heaven god sat him down with a speech coach and taught him how to communicate. I am really hoping so because I am going to see a psychic in a week who apparently has a gift of communicating with the dead and it would really suck if all my dad did was grunt.
Big Al had a gift for turning his own parental fears into little bombs of unnecessary disapproval. As a teenager he would torture me when I walked into the kitchen...eyeing everything I if wheat chex or original cheerios were going to somehow make me balloon. We didn't have junk in our house. Cereal didn't have sugar...bread didn't have white and milk had no fat. This was probably why when my mother would occasionally have a can of frosting in the house it would without fail go missing...I still maintain my innocence and do not know how all ten cans found their way under my bed along with a spoon. My grandmother once told me a story about hiding chocolate in a tree. As a mom I can tell you that my son does not hide food except for the one time he himself had a frosting incident. Hereditary? hmmm
I believe I hid food because my father made food taboo. He loved to eat but for some reason when I ate steam would come out of his ears and I would inevitably hear a story about how gorgeous and thin his sister was at my age and that if I ate something that wasn't a fruit or vegetable that when I was an adult I would struggle like her. Guess what? I think it was not having access to those foods that caused his revelation to come true. When I left home I had only a few rules...cereals had to contain sugar, bread could only be white and milk...well milk stayed fat free because anything else tastes like you are drinking lard. I rebelled with food. Hindsight is 20/20 and I do wish that I had been smarter with my choices but he really drove me straight to what he feared also felt good. I could make those decisions on my own. It pacified me...still does. Even today when I am eating healthy and on a diet my anxiety level undoubtedly rises because in the past I didn't feel like I could eat a pizza and feel better. Well little did I know that Jenny Craig allows me to. I can still eat the foods I love and best of all lose weight.
Mondays are the Trifecta....I start at Jenny weighing in...then I head to my Fairy Godmother for a dose of reality and then after that it's off to see the Swagmaster and see if he can once again make me weak in the knees....from muscle exhaustion that is. I actually feel pretty good about tomorrow. I would be crushed if I didn't show any loss. I have been diligent this week...for most meals I stuck to the plan..a Jenny meal or the volumetric approach.I have eaten at restaurants but foregone the bun...and cut down portion sizes...I worked out three times..twice with my trainer and when I wake up in the morning I can feel my ribcage again damn it!!! That is a huge thing for me since my ribcage disappeared about six months ago without a trace. I think I even felt my hip bone peeking it's head around the corner.
While I am aware of the "Daddy Issues" that I have I also realized once my father passed that he was just scared....and that it would a tragedy if I allowed those fears to hold me back anymore. I am a grown woman and ultimately it is up to me to know right from wrong and healthy from unhealthy. Where I am right now in my life both inside and unhealthy and I am fighting back...against my biggest demon of all

I realized that I did not include my food for Thu and I took Saturday off from the blog so below you will find a three day food diary....some good ...some bad ...but all real! I highly recommend writing everything you eat down. It makes you accountable and aware. You may not think about the grazing that you do as eating but those calories add up quickly. I also downloaded a Fast Food Calorie Counter...I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS APP!! I tried the free one first but it does not include the full array or restaurants. This is worth the.99 cents. You will be SHOCKED. In fact take a look at family favorite Chili's. I am surprised people don't drop dead from heart attacks at their tables....most of these places really. It's a really good resource to have while trying to make the healthiest possible decisions on the go. :)



JC Breakfast Stuffed Sandwich
Mango Greek Yogurt
Water :)

6 croutons :(

2 egg salad
Spinach Salad w/ Light Balsamic

Chicken Ramen with extra water
Added Peppers,Carrots, green onion, white onion
Use half the seasoning packet for lower sodium and added a Thai red curry seasoning with low sodium for flavor. ( Even comfort food can be adjusted)

Movie Snack:
Diet Coke

Friday Food

I went to see Harry Potter premiere the night before so I woke up at noon and went directly to lunch.

Lunch :
JC Fried Chicken and Potatoes
Fruit and Yogurt Parfait

1 cup Mac N Cheese


Iced Tea
1/4 lb Burger
Swiss Cheese
Bacon :(

Chipotle Salad
extra lettuce
half scoop rice
half scoop carnitas
2tbsp sour cream
black beans

Three Vodka Lemonades :(

Friday, July 15, 2011

Phat girls need love too

For the first time in my life I have stretchmarks on my thighs...I have had them all over my stomach since giving birth almost ten years ago. To this day I would swear that while my son only weighed 7lbs 2oz that my embrionic fluid and breasts totalled about 113lbs. That is what I gained during my pregnancy....120lbs. I went from being attractive to looking like a blob and at the time I didn't wear fat well. I have since learned how to put myself together a little more but still you can't disguise an extra seventy pounds of fat and you aren't kidding anyone taking pictures from the neck up but today I noticed them on my thighs. That pissed me off! Forget what creams tell you that shit doesn't go away. They are as permanent as herpes...unless you of course go to employ the services of a plastic surgeon but even then I am told those are not ever really gone. Plastic Surgery is not something I am opposed to one bit. I think that when you do this much damage to your body over time you have to anticipate a financial investment if you want to get things back to where they once were. I have heard from men on that they speak to women that get angry when they say they aren't interested in a woman who isn' physically healthy and takes an active role in keeping her body in check but that is just unneccesary denial by the woman. Maybe nobody else will say it but don't want a fatty either. Maybe you accept them but when you are sleeping with him you are still fantasizing about a man who looks a little more like Ryan Reynolds when naked....or even better Gerard Butler in 300. Well guys want that too. It doesn't mean they don't appreciate your inner beauty but ask yourself...when you walk in the bar do you look at someone and say..." That guy looks like he has an awesome sense of humor" I sure don't. I think in my 33 years of life I have one time been at a bar and actually been attracted to a man who was heavy.
That being said who says we have to go without love? I don't but I think it's important to figure out first where the most crucial place is for that love to come from. My cliche answer is that until you are honest with you are...or until I am honest and take responsibility for disease I can't have what I want. I need to love myself and know that I am worth all of this hard will take time but I am getting there one step at a time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fatvertising stole my pockets

I am marketers dream! I cannot see an advertisement for greasy fast food and not think...mmm..mama want! This morning as I drove my son to his monthly doctor's appointment I passed a highway exit sign that listed off the eating establishments I could find if I decided to take a detour. It was like something out of a movie when I saw the sign for Chik-fil-A. I was nowhere near but in my head I could smell that yummy chicken. Thought bubbles appeared above my head with cows marching back and forth chanting " Eat more chicken". The reality is that I have to convince myself to choose a Mango Greek Yogurt and a frozen breakfast pocket over a flaky buttery biscuit stuffed with a tender piece of battered meat...let's get real. The yogurt will NEVER taste as good. Never ever ever!! The right foods can taste great but who doesn't want to occasionally bite into a caloric heart attack. The difference with me is that I want to bite into one every day of my life.
Yesterday for example I decided that I would treat my son to McDonald's. I managed to pass through the drivethrough with nothing more than a Diet Coke for myself. " Pat myself on the back". Then I get home and my 13 year-old cousin decides she is also hungry and being the nice person that I am, I took her back....BAD PLAN! Turning your cheek to temptation once is difficult enough but twice prooved impossible for me. Now before you judge...hear me out because there least in my eyes a silver lining. My little cousin is thin...she is still 13 so she still eat half a cow and nothing at all happens. I remember those days. I had a little waist and big boobs and a butt. I was like Kim Kardashians lost sister but then suddenly an evil spell was cast and I turned into Chloe....that's a girl that gets my pain and then some.
Needless to say I ordered her a huge burger and a twenty piece. Now I am not sure about you but I swear they pump crack into those little nuggets...or perhaps it's that food in general is like crack to me. I am addicted to it. I could have walked away yes but I also could have eaten all twenty nuggets...I had only four. Again...." pat myself on the back". Like I said's about making choices in every situation that work. I understand that this choice carries a consequence...that consequence is an extra twenty-five minutes on the treadmill but that is an opportunity cost I am willing to take on for now.
Today I will for the first time list out all that I ate yesterday. My diet consists mostly of pre-portioned foods that I pick weekly at my local Jenny Craig Center. The food really does taste's not that chicken biscuit but I don't feel like I am eating things that are not fresh or taste like they belong in my dogs bowl more than in my mouth. I weigh in every Monday and will be sharing that with you on a weekly basis. For the past two weeks in a row I have seen gains which basically feels like someone strapped me to a radiator...didn't feed me and then injected me with fat before propping me up on a scale. It sucks not to see result and I have been there so many times before and given up. You feel defeated...well Fattycakes Unite...there are changes happening..I promise and even though you can't see them they will catch up. You can do this...I CAN DO THIS. Let's do it together. Let;s not look at the cereal isle and ignore the boxes above our heads...the ones that aren't loaded with sugar. Let's stop and take a peek at the egg whites and skip the bacon..and if you can't then choose turkey bacon. Save a Pig!
Food is everywhere. On TV, on billboards, in magazines, and don't forget having to pass by the smells just out on the streets. It's HARD and advertisers count largely on us Fattycakes to fill their pockets while I can't even fit my fingers in my pockets because my flipping pants are too tight. Heck...most things I wear don't even have pockets. My pockets have been stolen by food!! Now please don't think I blame advertisers. If I had a group of people who handed me money to make them social outcasts and shop at speciality fattycake stores I would probably take it too. I guess I probably just handed them my pockets on a silver platter....well darn it... Here's to getting my pockets back!!

Food Intake Wednesday July `3th, 2011

JC= Jenny Craig
Based on a daily Calorie intake of 1500 Calories

JC Cranberry Almond Cereal
1/4 c Low Fat Cottage Cheese
1 Slice Watermelon

1 Non-Fat Greek Yogurt w/Mango

JC Broccoli Cheese Potato

2 Hard Boiled Eggs w/Salsa
4 Chicken Nuggets ( crack)
Coffee w/low fat flavored creamer no sugar

JC Mesquite Chicken

JC Cookies n Cream Cheescake

Activity :

30 Minutes with Swagmaster working legs and arms.
20 minutes cardio

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'll get by with a little help from my Friends

I believe that fat people fart more than skinny people. I can't prove this yet but damn it I will! This is what I thought about last night when contemplating working legs at the gym today. Just being honest...
I am if nothing else an honest person and my goal with this blog is full transparency. Some of you might think this is easy but for a Fattycakes this can be can mean admitting weakness and failures or what I now will only call setbacks..BUT I have always had a rather high pain threshold so here goes nothing...
Before I can really begin to detail my goals, my measurements, the food I eat, my activity log and workout regime ...OH and my Fattycake photo journal...there are a few superheroes I want to introduce you to. Their true identities though enormously awesome will be replaced with their "Phat Girl" names.
For starters there is my own personal chef...Jenny. As in Jenny Craig. Talk about someone who knows how difficult not eating has to be. The woman grew up in New Orleans for crying out loud. I would have looked like a Beignet...come to think of it ...I do. I am after all 5'3" and weigh 218 so while I have a isn't exactly the shape I was going for. Back to Jenny...we have been friends for a couple of months now but I have kind of prioritized my other friends Wendy, Mac, and Pumpernickel ahead of her. I realize that these friendships are only bringing me down so I have decided to let Jenny take a bigger part in my I have to say she makes a mean triple chocolate cheesecake and I believe learning to make the right choices and setting appropriate portion sizes is a large part of a successful life change. As one of my friends at Jenny recently told me..." There is no such thing as Magic Food". So let's learn to eat the right non magical ones together.
Next there is my brand new personal trainer...whom I let choose his own alias. He chose "The Swagmaster". I can't comment on his naming skills which immediately drew criticism today at the gym from a bystander who believed the blood had just rushed to his head and he could not possibly have understood that correctly but I can tell you ladies that he is a very single and very tall glass of ....chocolate milk.While he is single I should warn you , however, that he is not only a fantastic trainer, whose abs one could bounce quarters off but he is also the grammar police. If you for instance were to write a run on sentence such as the one I previously did he would call you on it, or if you were to say things such as " I know you was tired" you would get the unfortunate grammar axe. Lucky for me I am looking for him to blast my fat and not teach me how to speak our nations language appropriately.
Last but not least there is the mental stabilizer in all of this, my " Fairy Godmother". Otherwise known as my licensed therapist whom I currently see weekly since the passing of my Dad on January4th, 2011. I started seeing my Fairy Godmother because after my fathers passing this princess's coach ( Lexus) turned into a Pumpkin ( Buick) and I realized that my entire life had been lived in a bubble. A bubble where unfortunately the tumultuous relationship that existed with my father drove me to eat. I could have picked up basket weaving or twister...or been on a Girls Gone Wild Tape to piss him off but no...I ate!!! My most recent theory besides me having control over what I ate is father loved few of them was food and perhaps subconsciously if I loved to eat as much crap as he did I would have something for us to talk about.
Well ladies and gentlemen that plan was an epic fucking fail....major backfire. I am fat and he is gone and I'm now searching for answers. My to those you love no matter how uncomfortable it might be. Now my Fairy Godmother is pretty spectacular. I have given her this name because just like Cinderella ( which is what my mother calls me from time to time) it seems as though she was sent to me with purpose. She is honest and direct and pretty...and has UH-MAZING shoes. Basically she is a lot like me. :) She also< I found out later is also a skinny bitch who once was a Fattycakes. She herself lost an inspirational 100 lbs. If she reads this I hope she understands that I say this with the utmost respect...a term of endearment of sorts. Basically I learned with her that you can't bullshit the bullshitter. She gets it and won't allow me to make any excuses.
Oh I almost forgot to introduce you to the main character...ME. My name is Fattycakes and I look like a swallowed a small person. By my body shape I think somehow they are sideways and hanging out in my midsection. I weigh as another friend pointed out to me yesterday exactly 109 lbs more than another of our friends so I guess it's more believable when you put it in those terms. While I think losing my weight will be freeing I do not believe weight defines you...and when it does you know you have been fat too long. I am so much more.
I'm a daughter to a wonderful little lady....seriously..she is LITTLE! She can barely see over the steering wheel on her car but her heart is larger than life.
I am also the daughter of a deceased 100% disabled vet. I grew up overseas and while we rarely saw eye to eye...I am proud of my dad for his unwavering service to his country. Dad was also a Fattycake!
My most important title is Mommy Fattycake....or just Mommy. I have an incredible, smart, funny, witty, gorgeous son. I can tell you that for a stress eater like me this sure does throw a wrench into things. I think I ate my first full cheesecake the day he was diagnosed almost four years ago. Life is never boring with him around... He is my world and the best gift I have ever been given.
So this is me...the real slim shady...ok fine the real fat shady but take it or leave because the only thing here that will change is my weight.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Phat Girl Diaries: Admitting it is the first step

The Phat Girl Diaries: Admitting it is the first step: "I am fat! Overweight! Obese! A Heffer! For all the brothers out there...Thick! A Fattycakes! There I said it. I am ..GULP...218 lbs. I could..."

Admitting it is the first step

I am fat! Overweight! Obese! A Heffer! For all the brothers out there...Thick! A Fattycakes! There I said it. I am ..GULP...218 lbs. I could sit here and tell you that I don't know how it got to this point but that would be a hideous lie. I know exactly how. I ate my way here...the same way every fat person does. Imagine Ms. pac-man in a maze of chips and dips, being chased by cupcakes but instead of running from the cupcakes she goes on a suicide mission and runs right towards the murderous fluffy cakes. Now imagine my face on Ms Pac Man and you have my life. I was not always fat...there were a few months every other year or so where I managed to not have a bigger ass than all my friends but I have always struggled with making the right choices with food and realizing the consequences that a beautiful french pastry can bring.
I come from a long line of Overweight People, hereinafter referred to as Fattycakes. The main influencer of them being my late father. Now there are three types of people reading this...those who look at a Fattycake on the street and think they want to to be that way. ( You aren't totally off base but we will get to that shortly). Then there are those of you who are family or friends and abstain from a vote in this debate...and then lastly there is the fellow fattycake who is high-fiving in the air ..." yea girlfriend, I was good all day...and then just before bed I stood in the fridge and poured Hershey's syrup in my mouth ...Holla! "
Well just so you know...I poured Hershey's in my mouth and then realized that I thought being fat was gross and that I " was choosing to be this way". I have no problem saying that now because the key to really changing from fat to Phat is to be honest about the fact that what I CHOOSE to eat or even not eat is mine and mine alone. It's about an overeater or with any eating disorder and I have as much control to keep the cycle alive as I do to change it.
This blog is about my journey to change it. Welcome to my story.