Share the Good Word

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thank you to the Rocket Scientist!

I recently went on a trip to Key West that was meant to be the unveiling of the skinny bitch that lives inside me. Unfortunately she is still in there probably suffocating on the Key Lime Pie and BO's Fried Grouper sandwiches I fed her while I was there. I was hoping they would choke her but she is still there hammering to get out of her prison !  Regardless I was happy with my sandwich...until today when I sat in my class and read a text that made me realize something that I realize still now while I cry to my computer..No matter how smart you are, or kind, or witty or pretty or did I mention kind?...people will still see you first as FAT. It's sad really. Even the people who love you see this. The world is run by skinny people. Skinny people that at this moment I would like to eat so they can not remind me how weak I am. Skinny people who can wear more of the shit in my closet than I can because they look more like the person who used to wear those clothes than I do ...and skinny people who I am just plain fucking jealous of!!
I don't ask to be this way. Aside from the occasional guilty pleasure I have been good. I also thanks to my new friend have a gym buddy that keeps me at the gym most days. She is spectacular and I love her to pieces!  It's not like I don't try to be healthy, yet still I'm fat. For the person who pointed that out you are correct! Pat yourself on the back because you my friend are clearly are a rocket scientist for discovering that I'm fat. Without your honesty I don't think I would have known that. While that may not be true,I may have sat for a few more weeks not stepping up my game. So with that said I'd like to send a huge thank you to the "rocket scientist" for reminding me of my goals. I realize that all may sound like sarcasm to a well trained ear but it's not. I really do now want the body above more than I ever have. I imagine that will be painful but screw was labor and I did that without any painkillers at all.
I know I sound like I am really excited about this...I'm really not. I hate exercise. I do feel less like a psychopath when I work out...less deranged and all but I don't enjoy it at all. I'd be far more excited about a root canal or bikini waxes than this. Feel free to download and follow me on MyFitnessPal under tova1996. I'm generally very forthcoming about my snacking ...right down to the half a bag of Pretzel M&M's I ate yesterday. Turns out chocolate does not actually cure the blues!!!
My point today is are smart and funny and maybe even pretty...and you're also fat! Stop being fat and start being pretty and smart and funny and give the finger to all the rocket scientists out there...half of which probably used to be fat too!!!!